Zia's US Visa Interview

Posted by Zia , Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Okay. I know that I'm not going to US for college (well I can transfer but too much of hassle, really), but I also had my visa interview two years ago for J1 visa. (Nisa applied for F1 visa).
Remember that my situation was probably different from most of you: we came in a big group, around 100+ students, we're going with US sponsored exchange student program, and I was one of the last people to be interviewed (imagine how long I waited...)

Sebenernya gue udah lupa juga sih yang ditanyain apa, tapi kalo nggak salah...
1. Nama
2. Tempat tinggal di sana

Udah segitu doang. Dan satu yang paling gue inget:

Ibu-ibu interviewer: How many srdfddgd do you have?
Gue: Hm? Sorry?
Ibu-ibu interviewer: How many sodrfdfra do you have?
Gue: Excuse me?
Ibu-ibu interviewer: How many sodara do you have?
Gue: (oh dalam hati) Two younger sisters...

Alhamdulillah setelah itu gue dapet tiket.

Side note, kami apply visa pertengahan Juni dan berangkat awal Agustus. Ada beberapa temen gue yang keberangkatannya ditunda gara-gara... hanya Tuhan yang tahu. Walau mereka pada akhirnya dapet visa juga, tapi mereka berangkat sekitar sebulan setelah rombongan besar berangkat. Ada juga yang dapet visa hari itu juga tapi pas nyampe Amerika mereka mesti lewat security check spesial.

Jadi saran gue, apply visa jauh-jauh hariii. Jangan grogi, santai aja. Jawabannya jangan bertele-tele (asal bahasa Inggris kamu kedengeran bagus aja hehe).

So, if you're going to apply for US visa, good luck! :)

My US Visa Interview

Posted by Nisa , Sunday, June 17, 2012

This is how casual my visa interview was..... Enjoy!

Interviewer (I) : "You're gonna go to school?"
Nisa (N) : "Yes"
I : "Where in the US are you going to?"
 N: "Ohio"
I : *glancing at my I-20* "The College of Wooster. What are you gonna study?"
N: "Economics."
I : "Why?"
N: "Because... It's studying about people's behaviors... Tendency to buy or not to buy something... And I'm really interested in something like that."
I: "Wow your English is excellent. Where did you study?"
N: "Well, I was in the States before."
I: "Really? What did you do?"
N: "I was there for a student exchange program."
I: "Were you in Ohio too?"
N: "No. I was in Virginia, actually." (THIS IS A WRONG ANSWER. TOO MUCH INFORMATION.)
I: "So, who's gonna pay for your study?"
N: "Well, mostly, the school."
I: *checking my forms* "Ah, you got grants!"
N: "Yes."
I: "How did you manage to get the scholarship?"
N: "Uh... I applied..."
I : "Hahaha... You applied. Okay, your visa has been approved. It will be available after three working days *handing out a piece of white paper*
N: "Thank you"
I: "Remember, you can not enter the US 30 days before your program starts."
N: "I understand. Thank you."
I: "Good luck with your study!"

So, I walked away, with the biggest smile on my face that day :))